Wednesday 1 July 2015

How to wear Tights for Work

In the past, tights are more of a necessity for the workplace than a mere option. But changes in office dress codes and in fashion have caused some to question the use of tights for corporate affairs. Are they essential for work outfits? Can we forgo tights for bare legs in office environments?

Realistically, the answer would depend on a variety of factors. For one, your work attire should accord to your company’s dress code. If the company allows business casual, then it should be fine to forgo the use of tights. Conversely, if your company prefers a pantsuit and other strict business attires, wearing tights underneath the outfit would be more work appropriate.

Another factor you may want to consider is the office temperature. Does your HQ has air conditioning? Some work environments can be freezingly chilly all year round. If yours is, then you’ll need all the thermal protection you can muster--tights included.

There are a lot of ways to style tights for you to look smart and professional for work. Here are some great ideas to try!

How to Use Tights at Work (Infographic)
How to Use Tights at Work (Infographic) 

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