Thursday 9 July 2015

Schoolgirls launch angry petition against thick tights which have left them sweltering in Britain's heatwave

Rebellious schoolgirls have demanded their strict uniform policy be ditched for the summer - saying that having to wear thick tights has left them sweltering in Britain's heatwave.
But school bosses are refusing to budge and have told them to wear trousers instead. 
Hundreds of hot and bothered pupils at mixed comprehensive Carr Hill High School, in Kirkham, Lancashire, have been roasting in 30C heat as rules demand tights be worn at all times.

Now they have set up an online petition, which has already attracted 700 signatures, pleading with school bosses to relax their strict uniform policy.
Children claim to have suffered heat rashes in reaction to the high temperatures - while parents have queried the sense of keeping girls in regulation black tights on such hot days.
But today chiefs at the 1195-pupil school, with students aged 11-18, said they could not change the uniform policy overnight.
The petition reads: 'Temperatures are around 30 degrees.
'Black tights absorb all this heat and it actually hurts to be in the sun.
'Lots of students have complained about the uniform although no one seems to be doing much about it.
'This petition is the start of possibly having our uniform changed in hot temperatures.'
Pupils have said they plan to take the petition - organised via website 'petitionbuzz' - to the school's board of governors.
The online petition states: 'Hopefully if we get 500 signatures (that's only two and a half colleges!) we have almost half a school fighting against these unnecessary rules - surely the school have to do something about it then!
'Eventually with all the letters and the petition, we will take this to the Governors as they are above the head and assistant head teacher that enforce these rules.'
To tackle the hot summer, the school has told pupils to drink plenty of water, use sun cream, wear hats and take their blazers off if need be.
These students do have the option of wearing trousers and socks if preferred
Andrew Waller, headteacher at Carr Hill High School
Girls also have the option of wearing black trousers, instead of a skirt and black tights.
A mother, whose daughter complained of the heat in black tights, said: 'When she came home from school she said she felt sick from the heat.
'I understand the school wants to keep a professional image but when it's so hot, in exceptional circumstances, it does seem ridiculous and I'm sure most parents would agree.'
One pupil wrote on the petition: 'In maths class a few weeks ago I [went] to class, when the temperature was in mid 20s, without my blazer on as we were going into a computer room it was going to be very warm in that class.
'I was punished for this by being denied permission to take my blazer off in a room full of computers and little air-con.
'As a result of this I received rashes from the itching sweat had caused.

'It can not be argued that wearing more clothes in this heat is unhygienic and uncomfortable.'
School bosses have said it would be inappropriate to comment on individual allegations.
But they confirmed they are aware of the petition and stressed their uniform policy has been in place for six years without difficulties - adding that policies cannot be changed overnight.
Headteacher Andrew Waller said: 'As a school we have very high standards of uniform of which the school community is rightly proud and we want to maintain this.
'Visitors frequently comment on the pride students take in their appearance.
'We are aware that some female students have expressed concern regarding the wearing of tights (which are part of the uniform for students who wish to wear a skirt).
'These students do have the option of wearing trousers and socks if preferred.'

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